Wishing everybody a Happy Easter

Wishing everybody a Happy Easter! 🐣 What better way to spend the day, being with good company and eating a great deal of good food at the Easter show! #happyeaster #dulwichhillgourmetmeats
Sneak preview

Sneak preview! One of our new home made Greek dishes made in store by Yiota! Can any one guess what it is? 🇬🇷 #dulwichhillgourmetmeats
And that’s a wrap for 2018

And that’s a wrap for 2018! We wish you all a happy new year and all the best. Thank you to all of our customers for the support this year! We will be closed from the 1st of January and will be returning on the 7th of January. Bring on 2019! #happynewyear #dulwichhill #dulwichhillgourmetmeats #2019
New stock

New stock! Alberts Chilli sauces 🤤 Made from the northern rivers of NSW using fresh grown produce! Delicious #dulwichhillgourmetmeats #albertschillisauces #delicious
Wishing everyone a happy Easter

Wishing everyone a happy Easter! We hope you’ll be cooking up a storm this long weekend! We will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday! #happyeaster #longweekend #dulwichhillgourmetmeats
You can’t really ask for a better endorsement than …

You can’t really ask for a better endorsement than this from @chefjohnspage! This is pasture-fed beef from @gundooee_organics. Spectacular every time! #Repost: “When you feel like a #steak and not just an ordinary steak, this is aged wagyu #scotchfillet from #dulwichhillgourmetmeats
Go see George and family for the best meat in the #innerwest
#dulwichhill #petersham #sydneyeats
Picture perfect Christmas turkey from our friends …

Picture perfect Christmas turkey from our friends at @villageptstudio! We’ll be sharing some of our favourite festive photos today to celebrate the final days of 2017! #repost “@villageptstudio @dulwichhillgourmetmeats- Picked this up from your shop for our annual Christmas lunch, and I have to say, it was certainly the highlight!
#organic #freerange#christmas #turkey #delicious#healthyfood #cleaneating #healthy#healthylifestyle #healthyeating #pure#protein #healthychoices #festive #fitness#goodfood #villageptstudio #lovefood#dulwichhillgourmetmeats@mydailybread10”
We got a lovely surprise from a customer we …

We got a lovely surprise from a customer we haven’t seen in a long time, Su Mariani, who has been living in Italy the past few years. Love the look of her classic Italian veal dish here! So good to see you, Su! #repost “@the_taste_of_home Vitelli Tonnato – girello seared and then poached in the most intense stock (which includes anchovies and tuna) then thinly sliced and served with a tuna caper sauce. What makes this dish is the “tonnato sauce as well as the lovely garnishes of reggiano, caper berries and fried baby capers. #vitellotonatto #dulwichhillgourmetmeats” #weloveourcustomers
Loving the festive spreads we’ve been seeing over …

Loving the festive spreads we’ve been seeing over the last few days! We’ll share a few to celebrate the last days of 2017. Like this amazing table from @tibbiechiu. #repost “For mains… we have an orange mustard glazed ham, beef eye fillet with blackened green chilli salsa from the best butcher @dulwichhillgourmetmeats (thank you Yiota for skinning and scoring my beautiful ham😘), slow roasted side of ocean trout tarator with pomegranate, brussel sprouts with hazelnut and sherry vinegar, green salad with palm sugar dressing and an unseen hassleback potato gratin… #mealforameal #homecooking#chirstmasfeast #feastwithfriends #ham#eyefillet #oceantrout #mains#crewchristmas #foodcoma#dulwichhillgourmetmeats”
Lovely locally-sourced spread from Melanie …

Lovely locally-sourced spread from Melanie featuring our dryaged kingfish pastourma! We currently have tuna and swordfish pastourma in stock … #Repost: “@melaniepike Afternoon platter sourced entirely from Dulwich Hill. Cheeses and salami from #larderdulwichhill and the whole reason for the platter… kingfish pastourma from @dulwichhillgourmetmeats another total success! #dulwichhillgourmetmeats#shoplocal #dullylife #bestbutcher#curedfish #spices”