Need to stock up on your protein for weekday …

Need to stock up on your protein for weekday dinners? We love pasture-raised pork tenderloin fillets … lean but juicy and full of flavour. Come in to 483 Marrickville Rd Dulwich Hill, say hello to the team and pick up some gourmet goodies. #tallabung #pastureraised #freerange #pork #tenderloin #healthyfood #dinner

Looking for something different for dinner this …

Looking for something different for dinner this week? Yiota has just prepared these babies. Tallabung pasture-raised pork tenderloin fillets, with oregano, rock salt, garlic and white wine, wrapped in panchetta with fresh sage. #pastureraised #pork #tenderloin #freerange #panchetta #sage #dinner #dulwichillgourmetmeats