What do you do on a windy, cloudy summer’s Sunday …

What do you do on a windy, cloudy summer’s Sunday in Sydney? Go to the markets and find some great produce to work with, of course! The result … ricotta-stuffed zucchini flowers. Delicious! #sunday #zucchiniflowers #sundaycooking #markets #buylocal

Happy Sunday people

Happy Sunday people! And hello from Byron Bay ☀️. We’re super relaxed and enjoying the beautiful north coast of NSW. Hope you’re keeping cool today, it’s a scorcher! #summerholidays #byronbay #sunday #40degrees

It’s a perfectly crisp and sunny winter’s day in …

It’s a perfectly crisp and sunny winter’s day in Sydney – the perfect day for a BBQ! This pic is courtesy of our mate and customer Dana, who cooked up these ribs prepared by George yesterday. We hope your Sunday is filled with good food enjoyed with friends and family. #ribs #bbq #sunday

Gotta love sunny weekends in the backyard

Gotta love sunny weekends in the backyard! This is a throwback to a pig on the spit we had for Sunday lunch this time last year. What have you got in the BBQ today? Would love to see your pics! #sunday #aussie #bbq #pigonthespit #rotisserie #backyard

This is the wonderful Burrawong Gaian duck we …

This is the wonderful Burrawong Gaian duck we roasted on Sunday. As usual, it was DELICIOUS! So glad we can offer our customers @burrawonggaian produce. Come pick up a duck for your weekend roast! #burrawonggaian #humanechoice #freerange #pekingduck #duck #roast #sunday

Yiota’s six-hour slow cooked @gundooee_organics …

Yiota’s six-hour slow cooked @gundooee_organics oyster blade with white wine, garlic and Murray River salt flakes. We’ve been working with Rob Lennon and family for years now, and we love their wagyu philosophy, which is a move away from feedlots and towards a more ethical and sustainable approach, letting their animals graze in open paddocks on a natural diet. Their beef is always amazing and we’re so glad to be able to stock their produce at @dulwichhillgourmetmeats! 🐃 #gundooee #organic #wagyu #beef #pastureraised #oysterblade #slowcooked #lowandslow #roast #sunday

Got your bacon for the weekend fry up? Dully …

Got your bacon for the weekend fry up? Dully Gourmet’s free range, nitrate-free bacon is the star in this BLT + ZCAP. We’re open for a couple more hours so pop in – 483 Marrickville Road. #freerange #nitratefree #bacon #BLT #saturday #sunday #weekend