
Wow! looks mouth watering! Oishii!! #Repost @thisismanmaru with @get_repost
🌞today’s makanai 🍱まかない (staff meal). 🍽George from @dulwichhillgourmetmeats made this Tasmanian smoked eel 🐍with salt koji for us to try! we paired it with japanese style picked vegetables, 🥒🥕🍆rice ball, 🍙miso soup and umeboshi (sour plum)!!! the koji brings out the flavours of the eel naturally with a punch of umami! 🔥
Hope everyone is having a lovely Easter Sunday

Hope everyone is having a lovely Easter Sunday! Delicious lamb shoulder cooked by our lovely customer Terry #Repost @terryteraki with @get_repost
Grass fed Lamb Shoulders smoking for an hour out of 5 on medium then low heat with Oak blended wood…
#bbq #smoking #lamb @dulwichhillgourmetmeats
Everyone head down to @sydneyparkhotel for a …

Everyone head down to @sydneyparkhotel for a chance to win one of our meat trays! #Repost @sydneyparkhotel with @get_repost
Got a couple of goodies from @dulwichhillgourmetmeats tucked in among the kegs this afternoon staying cool until show time .. Meat tray raffle from 7.30 tonight. Dont miss out on a chance to win not only one of these bad boys, but a jug and a 6 pack of @philterbrewing beer too!! 🥓🍺
Next we’ll be giving away the keys to the building!! 🔑
Come on down to the @sydneyparkhotel for all the action!!
(Please be advised we will not be raffling off the keys to the building)
You can’t really ask for a better endorsement than …

You can’t really ask for a better endorsement than this from @chefjohnspage! This is pasture-fed beef from @gundooee_organics. Spectacular every time! #Repost: “When you feel like a #steak and not just an ordinary steak, this is aged wagyu #scotchfillet from #dulwichhillgourmetmeats
Go see George and family for the best meat in the #innerwest
#dulwichhill #petersham #sydneyeats
Only a few days til we’re back in action for a big …

Only a few days til we’re back in action for a big 2018! We’re looking forward to seeing you all in store on Thursday 👍. This beautiful roast rib of beef courtesy of our mate and customer, John! #Repost “@chefjohnspage
Thanks to #dulwichhillgormetmeats
Happy weekend, guys and girls

Happy weekend, guys and girls! We are enjoying our last Saturday of summer holidays before we’re all back in the shop during the week to prep for our return to @dulwichhillgourmetmeats on Thursday. It’s been a relaxing few weeks – and the madness of Christmas and New Year’s Eve seems like a lifetime ago. Here’s a little taste of what it was like in our shop in the days before Christmas. Thanks for the pic, @kwantfm! #repost “@dulwichhillgourmetmeats Awesome service as ever despite the busyness. Merry Christmas to you and all of your staff.” #butcherlife
Another picture of perfection …. Jessica …

Another picture of perfection …. Jessica definitely nailed it with the Cypriot souvla! #repost @jliley “My first spit in years and in Sydney!! We are loaded #spit #cypriotspit #souvla #food thanks @dulwichhillgourmetmeats for the lamb” #cypriotfood #aussielamb #grassfed
Picture perfect Christmas turkey from our friends …

Picture perfect Christmas turkey from our friends at @villageptstudio! We’ll be sharing some of our favourite festive photos today to celebrate the final days of 2017! #repost “@villageptstudio @dulwichhillgourmetmeats- Picked this up from your shop for our annual Christmas lunch, and I have to say, it was certainly the highlight!
#organic #freerange#christmas #turkey #delicious#healthyfood #cleaneating #healthy#healthylifestyle #healthyeating #pure#protein #healthychoices #festive #fitness#goodfood #villageptstudio #lovefood#dulwichhillgourmetmeats@mydailybread10”
We got a lovely surprise from a customer we …

We got a lovely surprise from a customer we haven’t seen in a long time, Su Mariani, who has been living in Italy the past few years. Love the look of her classic Italian veal dish here! So good to see you, Su! #repost “@the_taste_of_home Vitelli Tonnato – girello seared and then poached in the most intense stock (which includes anchovies and tuna) then thinly sliced and served with a tuna caper sauce. What makes this dish is the “tonnato sauce as well as the lovely garnishes of reggiano, caper berries and fried baby capers. #vitellotonatto #dulwichhillgourmetmeats” #weloveourcustomers
Loving the festive spreads we’ve been seeing over …

Loving the festive spreads we’ve been seeing over the last few days! We’ll share a few to celebrate the last days of 2017. Like this amazing table from @tibbiechiu. #repost “For mains… we have an orange mustard glazed ham, beef eye fillet with blackened green chilli salsa from the best butcher @dulwichhillgourmetmeats (thank you Yiota for skinning and scoring my beautiful ham😘), slow roasted side of ocean trout tarator with pomegranate, brussel sprouts with hazelnut and sherry vinegar, green salad with palm sugar dressing and an unseen hassleback potato gratin… #mealforameal #homecooking#chirstmasfeast #feastwithfriends #ham#eyefillet #oceantrout #mains#crewchristmas #foodcoma#dulwichhillgourmetmeats”