
Beautiful Tallabung Pork from Forbes NSW. Looking …

Beautiful Tallabung Pork from Forbes NSW. Looking better than ever as silly season approaches, thanks to our producer Michael Williams! #freerangepork #pasturedpork #tallabung #forbes #nsw #knowyourproducer

Good morning Facebook

Good morning Facebook! How do you like your eggs? We stock only true free range eggs, from ethical producers like Idlewilde Farm, who have a maximum of 2000 hens roaming 100 acres of clean, green pasture on NSW’s mid north coast. So the birds are happy, and your eggs taste better, whether you’re having them poached, fried or scrambled … or even with big Mexican style fry up like pictured here! Que rico! #huevosrancheros #mexicanstyle #breakfast #freerange #eggs #breakfast #idlewildefarm #elands #nsw #knowyourproducer

Our friend John Fairley from @country_valley milk …

Our friend John Fairley from @country_valley milk popped into the store yesterday. Based in Picton NSW, the Fairley family produces some of the best tasting milk in the country, and our customers love it! That’s George on the left and John on the right. #dairyfarmer #countryvalley #milk #knowyourproducer

Lovely looking @burrawonggaian Peking duck

Lovely looking @burrawonggaian Peking duck. We’ve been stocking Burrawong Gaian duck, chicken and rabbit for around three years now. Their poultry is humane choice and pasture-raised, and this means the ducks are treated well and taste amazing. This pic is from Erin and Meni, who’ll be roasting their duck for dinner tonight. We’ll have some more @burrawonggaian in stock on Thursday! #burrawonggaian #humanechoice #pastureraised #pekingduck #roast #knowyourproducer