Very excited to receive a gold medal for our …
Very excited to receive a gold medal for our Cypriot sausage, the shiftalies in the 2015 Sydney Fine Food awards. #dulwichhillgourmetmeats #finefoodawards #cypriot #shiftalies
Very excited to receive a gold medal for our Cypriot sausage, the shiftalies in the 2015 Sydney Fine Food awards. #dulwichhillgourmetmeats #finefoodawards #cypriot #shiftalies
Our salmon sausage scored a silver in the 2015 Sydney Fine Food awards. #dulwichhillgourmetmeats #finefoodawards #salmon #sausage
Our plain Wagyu beef sausage scored a bronze in the 2015 Sydney Fine Food awards. #dulwichhillgourmetmeats #finefoodawards #beef #wagyu #sausage