A meaty @dulwichhillgourmetmeats haul here from …

A meaty @dulwichhillgourmetmeats haul here from our friend Alex @love_capanno_trattoria! Our award-winning sheftalies, George’s smoked lamb rack, Florentine steak, house-smoked chorizos, pork and fennel sausages and Australia’s best haloumi! Open early tomorrow morning, come see us for some gourmet gourmet meats! #tbone1kg #smokedcutlets #sheftalia #cypriot#cypriothalloumi #porkfennelsausage#smokedchorizo #meats #woodfire#chargrilled #smoked #meatstagram

Steak done the right way

Steak done the right way! An oldie but a goodie from our fellow steak lover, Dana. #Repost “@dteahan Man versus @dulwichhillgourmetmeats #sirloin” #steaklover #meatlover #chargrilled #steak #grassfed #beef