Uncle Mick’s dinner last night – juicy cattleman’s …

Uncle Mick’s dinner last night – juicy cattleman’s cutlets from Dully Gourmet. No salad. No sauce. Just meat, salt and pepper, a sprig of rosemary, a squeeze of lemon and a splash of olive oil. We’re hoping he gets a few serves of veg in today! #unclemick #meathead #grassfed #freerange #cattlemanscutlets #butcher #dulwichillgourmetmeats #marrickvilleroad #dulwichhill
Our customer Stuart took home a couple of …

Our customer Stuart took home a couple of cattleman’s cutlets earlier today. Big, fat 600g steaks that will be like cutting through butter. Hopefully he’ll send us a pic of the finished product. And by the way, sorry for the unintentional false advertising but unfortunately that is NOT the right price on the scales!!!! Necta was too busy taking the pic to notice 😀 #weloveourcustomers #stu #steak #cattlemanscutlets #ribeye #grassfed #freerange #beef #friday #dinner #dulwichillgourmetmeats #marrickvilleroad #dulwichhill